Friday, October 5, 2012


Ok, its time to get real.  I have really gotten tired of the distortions over Governor Romney and Mr. Obama's comments throughout this campaign season. Everybody reading this blog knows what each candidate means when they make a statement and what the actual contexts of those statements are. I am equally tired of the ads by both sides. Discussion should be on policy and what is best for this country.  The discussion should not be devisive, turning people against each other as it is doing today.

Yes I have an opinion and I am smart enough to realize that Governor Romney's depiction that Big Bird shouldn't be paid for with American Tax Dollars is a good visual to discuss government waste.  Come on folks, PBS will not die without federal tax dollars.  The real questions to be asked is - is PBS a critical government service for federal tax dollars to be spent on.  With a deficit the size it is, should we be funding non-essential programs such as PBS? How many programs does the federal government, the state government, the local government provide for that are simply not essential and should be paid for out of private dollars? That is Governor Romney's point and I agree.

The issue each of us should face relates to who is the best person to lead this country. There is a lack of discussion over policy in this country and a lack of accountability on performance. We desperately need, tax reform in this country.  The system is broke.  Tax increases or repeal of previously given tax credits and deductions is not tax reform.  It doesn't fix the problem.  Mr. Obama talks about wind and solar energy.  Who is talking about the use of natural gas and hydrogen fuel cell technology.  The environmentalist groups all talk about wind and solar until it is time to set up a windmill farm or solar farm.  Then the NIMBYs come out and oppose.  What about Healthcare reform.  Obamacare has not brought cost down.  The reality is it has caused everybody to buy into a broken system.  My premiums for my employees went up more than 25% this year causing me to shop for a new provider. The system that causes the costs to be so expensive has to be fixed. What about jobs.  Outsourcing is a fact of life in a global economy.  Why are we villanizing it instead of facing the reality that we are not educating our own children to take the jobs that are available. Yes, we have plenty of jobs (3.5 million reported this morning) avalable. We don't have a properly trained workforce. Why?  Yes I have an opinion and it relates to a lazy acceptance of mediocrity as a society.

As a business owner, Mr. Obama is throwing me a bone.  He will not increase my taxes as a small business.  Please sir.  No thank you.  Reform the tax code to where my business and I are not one in the same. Give me a tax code that encourages me to reinvest and not spend down profit so my personal financial position is not penalized.  Give me a tax code that encourages me to continue to take risks in order to create jobs.  You see, as a business owner, if I save money, put it in the bank, so I can invest in new technology or a new position, that may take a year to become profitable, that revenue is income likely causing a profit. If I don't have an offsetting expense within that same year, then I personally will be taxed.  Wait a minute.  I am saving money for my business to help it do better, to create a new job and it is my personal salary.  I never saw the income. No all this money the IRS said I made personally is a shadow.  Hum, what's wrong with this picture.  Mr. Obama has had four years to fix this BS and yes it is BS. Shadow income drives a lot of small business owners over Mr. Obama's $250,000 per year salary threshold for his "Greedy Rich  Person" tax.  A lot of good hard working risk taking small business people will pay the additional tax that Mr. Obama states will only affect the rich. No, he is wrong and he knows it, it will impact many small business owners trying to reinvest into their business.

We have serious problems in America that must be faced.  I am dissappointed however in so many people because they are not talking about the real issues.  I am tired of hearing Bain Capital demonized while supporting mediocrity and yes Big Bird.  I will happily give Big Bird some money, but if our country is in as bad a shape as it is now then I would have to say Big Bird is not an essential service.

What really bothers me, I do see real solutions for energy, tax reform, economic development, healthcare reform, education and multi-modal transportation. Its not rocket science.  It requires thought and people willing to step up to the plate to communicate and not simply draw a line in the sand.  Instead what we got was a no compromise down your throat strategy. It's time we stand up for excellence and not mediocrity, otherwise, my efforts and yours, are for not.